Sertifikasi Executive Coaching

Sertifikasi Executive Coaching

Sertifikasi Executive Coaching

Program Executive Coach Certification ini mempersiapkan Anda untuk menjadi executive dan corporate coach. Program ini telah diakui oleh ICF sebanyak 35 jam kredit ACSTH.

Program Overview:
Program berjalan 3 hari penuh yang meliputi in-class training, coaching practice (disertai observasi dan feedback), dan self-study.

Upcoming Schedule:
Batch 16 (Weekend Class)
Jum’at-Minggu, 31 Januari-02 Februari 2020
Lihat jadwal penyelenggaraan tahun 2020.

Course Language:
Handout: English dan Bahasa Indonesia
Delivery: Bahasa Indonesia


  • Telah menyelesaikan Certified Professional Coach (CPC) or mengantongi minimal 30 jam ACSTH dari provider lain.
  • Mengikuti Bridging Class yang akan diselenggarakan online.

Certification Earned:
Certified Executive Coach (CEC)

Credit Hours Earned:

  • 20 jam in-class training
  • 10 jam praktek coaching (disertai observasi dan feedback)
  • 5 jam self-study
  • Total 35 jam diakui oleh ICF

R Hotel Rancamaya, Bogor

Download the brochure: Certified Executive Coach


Harga Early Bird:
Rp 11.100.000/person untuk payment sebelum 13 Januari 2020

Harga Normal:
Rp 11.550.000/person
Rp 22.200.000/group of 2 persons
(cost includes 2 nights accommodation – shared twin bed.)

Dapatkan early bird discount Rp 450.000 untuk registrasi dan pembayaran sebelum 13 Januari 2020.

Payment installment is available. Please contact our office.

Read our Payments and Cancellation Policies

More Info:
Please email:
or phone: 021-2765-4279, 0838-4030-5125 (Prasetyo)

Register Online>>

Are you ready to take your coaching skills to the advanced level?

Executive Coach Certification Program (ECCP) ini mempersiapkan para peserta untuk menjadi coach profesional yang siap praktek di dunia korporasi dan organisasi dengan situasi yang dinamis.

Baca artikel ini dalam bahasa Inggris

Program ini mempertajam skill coaching dan menambah kepercayaan diri untuk mempraktekkan coaching kepada top leader dan eksekutif, termasuk mengimplementasikan coaching culture di organisasi.

Sertifikasi yang didapat sudah diakui secara global oleh ICF (International Coach Federation), sebuah badan coaching dunia.

Program Overview:
Program berjalan 3 hari penuh yang meliputi in-class training, coaching practice (disertai observasi dan feedback), dan self-study.

Upcoming Schedule:
Batch 16 (Weekend Class)
Jum’at-Minggu, 31 Januari-02 Februari 2020
Lihat jadwal penyelenggaraan tahun 2020.

R Hotel Rancamaya, Bogor

Download the brochure: Certified Executive Coach

Course Language:
Handout: English dan Bahasa Indonesia
Delivery: Bahasa Indonesia

Program Objectives

  • Menjadi coach profesional di dunia korporasi yang kompleks dan dinamis.
  • Membangun deep presence, connection dan being.
  • Mampu memberikan coaching dalam format kelompok (group coaching).
  • Mengaplikasikan coaching tools untuk keperluan leadership, performance management, dan team development.
  • Memiliki metodologi untuk mengukur keberhasilan inisiatif coaching secara terstruktur.
  • Memiliki kepercayaan diri untuk membangun coaching culture di organisasi.
  • Mengaplikasikan prinsip dan teknik coaching untuk personal dan life coaching.

Certification Earned:
Diakhir program Anda mendapatkan title Certified Executive Coach (CEC)

Credit Hours Earned:

  • 20 jam in-class training
  • 10 jam praktek coaching (disertai observasi dan feedback)
  • 5 jam self-study
  • Total 35 jam diakui oleh ICF


  • Telah menyelesaikan Certified Professional Coach (CPC) or mengantongi minimal 30 jam ACSTH dari provider lain.
  • Mengikuti Bridging Class yang diselenggarakan secara online.

Key Learning Areas:

  • 11 Coaching Competencies of the ICF
  • Executive presence: sensing and energy reading
  • Executive listening
  • Executive coaching engagement
  • The Unifying Coaching Principle
  • Executive group coaching
  • Coaching for Behavioral Change
  • Transitioning Change
  • Advanced coach communication skills
  • Coaching Tools for leadership and performance development

Discussion on character sensing in the night of CEC program on 28 March 2015.

A photo posted by Coaching Indonesia (@coaching.indonesia) on


  • Professional Executive Coaching Manual
  • Coaching Development Plan
  • Pair coaching with observation
  • Performance coaching tools
  • Step-by-step coaching culture development

Who Should Attend:

Professional coach dan mereka yang ingin meningkatkan karir di dunia korporasi seperti: HR practitioners, Executives, Managers, Supervisors, Business Owners, termasuk siapa saja yang berminat untuk menjadi executive coach.


Please click here: Register Online>>

More information:
Please email:
Pendaftaran di 021-2765-4279, 0838-4030-5125 (Prasetyo)
Pertanyaan teknis seputar materi dan hal lainnya hubungi:
0855-100-3482(Naindra Pramudita – CI Academy)
0818-818-208 (Laurencia Lina – CI Academy)

Al Falaq ArsendatamaAl Falaq Arsendatama, MCC

  • Executive Coach
  • Master Certified Coach (MCC) of ICF
  • Co-founder and Past President of ICF Jakarta Chapter
  • ICF Registered Mentor
  • Developer of 2 (two) ICF Approved Coaching Training
  • Author of “Melampaui Batas Leadership dengan Coaching”
  • Over 2500 coaching hours. Read more>>

Al is one of the leading executive coaches in Indonesia. Having worked with both corporations and government institutions, he has served as Executive Coach and Facilitator over the past 8 years.

Al has extensive experience in coaching leaders (from managers to CEOs) from wide range of industries, including consumer goods, telecommunication, banking, insurance, manufacturing, consulting, etc.

Als specific areas of expertise include leadership coaching, people development, intercultural integration for expats, interpersonal communication, and motivational training.

Al is the Managing Director of Coaching Indonesia, a Jakarta based coaching firm. He served as the President of International Coaching Federation (ICF) Jakarta Chapter from 2013-2014.

As an ICF Registered Mentor, he trains and provides mentoring program for professionals who wish to become a coach with standard competencies and ethics of the ICF.

He is the first Indonesian who received an international coaching credential from ICF for MCC (Master Certified Coach). Al has created the first Accredited Coaching Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) of ICF in Indonesia. It is a specific program to prepare participants to become a professional coach.

Al earned a Master Degree in IT Management from University of Technology Sydney, Australia. He has recently released a new book of “Melampaui Batas Leadership dengan Coaching – Panduan Pemimpin Era Milenium”.

Als native language is Bahasa Indonesia. He also speaks English fluently. He enjoys sport and music in his leisure time.