
Raka Haryo Indro, Bank BTN

"The program provided me with invaluable coaching skills that have transformed the way I lead and interact with my team. I now have the tools to ask powerful questions, actively listen, and foster meaningful conversations that bring out the best in my employees."

John Smith, GM Pertamina

"As a leader, I was seeking to enhance my coaching abilities to better support my team's growth and development. This program exceeded my expectations. The trainers expertise and the practical coaching techniques taught during the program have made a tremendous impact on how I lead and inspire my team."

Sarah, Siloam Hospitals

"The Coaching Certification Program at Coaching Indonesia was a game-changer for me. The comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, and supportive community helped me become a confident and successful coach. I highly recommend it!"

Peter Parker

I Thank you very much Groppe team. It will definitely help our students to enrich their reading skills and knowledge forever. I hope you will help us to do our best in the field of education, Thanking you for all..

David Nguyen, Manager, LMN Enterprises

Away by the results. The instructors were knowledgeable and engaging, and the coaching practice was incredibly valuable. I've already seen improvements in my team's performance and engagement, and I feel much more confident as a leader. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to improve their leadership skills.

R Thomas Wijayanto

Coaching dapat menambah saya mengembangkan diri saya. Dan belajar tentang coach ini saya jadi tahu untuk lebih memahami coachee dan berespon baik, serta membantu saya mengembangkan staf saya lebih baik lagi.

Muhammad Faisal

Saya yang selama ini terlibat dalam kegiatan terutama dalam bidang teaching (lecturing), mentoring , consulting, saya merasa coaching merupakan bidang yang menarik, terutama approachnya yang tidak ke arah kepada advising, memberikan solusi kepada client, tetapi dengan melakukan interaksi pertanyaan yang terstruktur, akhirnya client menemukan jawaban atau solusi dari problem yang dihadapinya.

John Smith, CEO, ABC Company

The Leader as Coach program has been a gamechanger for our organization. Our leaders now have the skills and confidence to coach their team members to greater performance and engagement, and the results have been clear – improved productivity, higher employee satisfaction, and lower turnover. We highly recommend this program to any organization looking to ...