M Nur Fannie Prasetyo, ACC

Executive Coach

M Nur Fannie Prasetyo, ACC

  • Corporate, Leadership and Career Coach
  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC) of ICF
  • Learning Development Consultant, Trainer & Author
  • Over 350 hours of coaching experience
  • Former corporate trainer of Banking Corporate University


Focus of Work Experience

Prast is an experienced trainer and facilitator with more than 7 years experience in the Banking Field. In the field of coaching, he has accumulated more than 4 years of experience coaching clients from individuals, entrepreneurs and corporate professionals.

Prast has expertise in learning, management, leadership, development in banking and finance, insurance, and telecommunication. One of his key strengths also includes developing rigorous learning curriculum to help employees continue building their competence in a structured and measurable path.

Prast holds ACC credential from International Coach Federation since April 2017.  And since 2018 he has served as Membership Director of International Coach Federation of Jakarta Charter Chapter.

Prast holds a Master degree in Magister Management from the Gadjah Mada University and a Bachelor’s degree in Management from Jenderal Soedirman University. He is also the author of book “Ada Coaching di Hijrahmu”.

Areas of Coaching Expertise

Prast focuses his expertise in Corporate, Leadership and Career Coaching. His professional experiences in people management and learning development enable him to acquire a full-rich of knowledge and experiences in the organization and people aspects.

Areas of his coaching expertise include:

  • Leadership coaching for first time managers
  • Coaching capability
  • Career transitioning
  • Continuous learning development
  • Youth empowerment

Coaching Education and Certification

  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC) of International Coach Federation
  • Certified Executive Coach with Coaching Indonesia
  • Certified Professional Coach with Coaching Indonesia
  • Member of International Coach Federation (ICF)


Astra Honda Motor, AXA Mandiri Financial Services, Bumitama Gunajaya Agro, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Fakultas Ekonomika & Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada, Essilor Indonesia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, etc.