Focus of Work Experience
Gogor has over 20 years professional experience in various industries like media, advertising, insurance, telecommunication, and property in national and multinational companies taking charge of various functions as journalist, product development, trainer, before focusing on Human resources and People development, and finally as Head of Corporate Culture.
Gogor is an engineer by education who also loves human aspect. He completed study of Architecture Engineering in University of Indonesia and Master of Management (MM) in Prasetiya Mulya School of Business. Then he equipped himself with skill, experience, and Certified competencies like: Certified HR Professional, Certified MBTI & DISC Practitioner, Master of NLP, Certified Professional Coach, Certified Executive Coach, and Associate Certified Coach of International Coach Federation (ICF).
In addition to corporate coaching, Gogor has strong passion in coaching and empowering youth, especially during the transition from academic to professional life.
Areas of Coaching Expertise
Gogor focuses his expertise in Corporate, Leadership and Career Coaching. His professional experiences in people management and learning development enable him to acquire a full-rich of knowledge and experiences in the organization and people aspects.
Areas of his coaching expertise include:
Coaching Education and Certification
Astra Honda Motor, BUMA, Petrosea, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Toyota-Astra Motor, Essilor Indonesia, Indonesia Stock Exchange, etc.